Job Openings Archive - Jamaica Bauxite Institute Jamaica Bauxite Institute Wed, 05 Feb 2025 20:41:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Job Openings Archive - Jamaica Bauxite Institute 32 32 Crown Counsel – Band 10 Wed, 05 Feb 2025 18:09:18 +0000 $6,333,301.00 – $8,517,586.00 SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the supervision of the General Manager, the Crown Counsel will be required to do the following: developments, which are of general…

The post Crown Counsel – Band 10 appeared first on Jamaica Bauxite Institute.

$6,333,301.00 – $8,517,586.00


Under the supervision of the General Manager, the Crown Counsel will be required to do the following:

  • To review the existing enabling legislation with a view of making recommendations on how the JBI could be more effective in its land management, mining and environmental and fiscal monitoring roles
  • To assist in the review of the Mining Laws, especially as it relates to the rights of the individual land owner, compensation, notification and option arrangements
  • To review the arrangements which relate to land acquisition by the bauxite and alumina enterprises and/or by Government, reimbursement for the acquisitions and associated resettlement and land development costs with a view to advising the JBI and the Government partners of their options
  • To review the land management arrangements as regard to their use in agricultural production and advise of the implications of current Agricultural Assets Arrangements and to make recommendations in this regard
  • To examine the land taxation regime for lands held within mining lease areas and the taxation payment protocol as it relates to all companies and to make recommendations for its improvement and for more effective monitoring
  • To review, monitor and make recommendations in respect of fiscal arrangements and any

developments, which are of general applicability as they relate to the bauxite and alumina enterprises and advise accordingly

  • To participate in negotiations with the bauxite and alumina enterprises operating in Jamaica on behalf of the Government and make recommendations
  • To review and prepare documentations which reflect the agreement reached
  • To liaise with the Attorney General’s Chambers and other Government bodies with respect to Agreements to be signed by the Government and the preparation and publication of legislation and licences based upon the Agreement
  • To review and make recommendations with respect to the joint venture arrangements in the industry and advise Government with respect to their legal obligations
  • To represent JBI and the Government or brief counsel with respect to the court matters involving the JBI or Government including its wholly owned companies in the bauxite and alumina industry
  • Monitor the various mining lease documents and ensure that scheduled reviews, renewals, transfers, terminations etc. are properly executed
  • Represent the JBI at meetings to deal with issues relating to the GOJ, JBI, or its officers in relation to the bona fide work of the JBI
  • Provide legal advice to the Commissioner of Mines on mining related matters as necessary


  • Attending Board Meetings and compiling resulting minutes, Resolutions and Legal Correspondences
  • Attending Meetings of Sub-Committees of the Board and compiling resulting minutes and coordinating follow up activities
  • Organize Board and Sub-committees Meetings
  • Provide Legal advice to the Board and Management of the Institute
  • To review all legal documents developed at Divisional Levels


  • Bachelor of Laws or equivalent qualification, with sound knowledge of Company Laws and practices, Jamaican Law, Industrial Relations Laws, International and Environmental Laws, Legal Drafting and Land Transactions Laws
  • Legal Education Certificate

Interested applicant must possess 3 – 5 years working experience in the fields outlined above for consideration.

Please reply no later than February 15th , 2024 to:

The Human Resource Manager

Jamaica Bauxite Institute

Hope Gardens Complex

P.O. Box 355,

Kingston 6.


Email us at:

We thank all applicants for their expression of interest. However, only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

The post Crown Counsel – Band 10 appeared first on Jamaica Bauxite Institute.

Research & Development Specialist – Band 9 Wed, 05 Feb 2025 18:06:40 +0000 Salary: $5,198,035 – $6,990,779 SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: (RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST)  Under the supervision of the Director – Bauxite Lands, the Research and Development Specialist will be required…

The post Research & Development Specialist – Band 9 appeared first on Jamaica Bauxite Institute.

Salary: $5,198,035 – $6,990,779


Under the supervision of the Director – Bauxite Lands, the Research and Development Specialist will be required to do the following: 

▪ To design and undertake a scientific agricultural research programme to determine the capacity of bauxite lands. This includes carrying out investigations on unmined, mined-out and reclaimed lands to determine their current productivity, assessing the potential productive capacity and making recommendations regarding the suitability of unmined and reclaimed lands for agricultural and other purposes 

▪ To prepare and make available maps of bauxite bearing lands indicating soil and crop suitability 

▪ To develop and implement appropriate policies and management strategies for unmined and reclaimed bauxite lands in order to ensure optimum utilization of these lands 

▪ To liaise with the bauxite companies and assist in guiding the planning for alternative and optimum uses of mined-out lands and to assist in carrying out the appropriate pre and post mining site evaluations and to identify the appropriate reclamation strategies to facilitate the post-mining land use plans 

▪ To act in an advisory capacity to the Bauxite Land Utilization Committee (BLUC) and to assess applications and proposals submitted to the JBI and the BLUC regarding the use of bauxite lands 

▪ To work with, advise and guide the Reclamation Committee of the Office of the Commissioner of Mines on appropriate reclamation techniques, and to ensure that the reclamation practices carried out by the bauxite companies are in accordance with the established technical standards and procedures set out by the Committee 

▪ To act in an advisory capacity to the Jamaica Bauxite Institute (J.B.I.) and the Bauxite Community Development Programme (BCDP) on all agricultural and land related matters 

▪ To advise farmers on bauxite lands on best farming practices to ensure maximum yields 

▪ To prepare and submit regular field reports, special reports and monthly progress reports on the work of the Reclamation Committee and the progress of crop research on mined-out lands 

▪ To prepare technical papers for publication in local and international journals and for presentations at technical seminars, workshops and conferences 

▪ To perform any other duties that may be assigned from time to time 

▪ Providing technical and managerial support 

▪ Liaise with communities, community council, Members of Parliament, Councilors and bauxite companies for smooth running of the Bauxite Community Development Programme 

▪ Assist in preparing suitable projects for community councils 

▪ Co-ordinate with the Research and Development Specialist on agricultural related/BCDP projects being undertaken by the Research and Development arm of the JBI 


▪ Assist in the coordination and management of all activities associated with the operations of Greenhouse Clusters

▪ Organize small farmers into functional farmers’ groups as is needed from time to time

▪ Establish procedures for identification, quantification, procurement and delivery of inputs to farmers including technical support

▪ Arrange for timely delivery of material and technical input as is needed

▪ Assist in ensuring production of high-quality pepper and other condiments using environmentally sustainable agricultural practices

▪ Assist greenhouse cluster with market penetration and securing buyers for greenhouse produce

▪ Establish and maintain farmer database for each greenhouse cluster

▪ Prepare frequent reports on progress of the project to include any issues and recommended course of action



Post-Graduate Degree in Agriculture and Soil Sciences or related discipline. 


At least five (5) years’ experience working in a related field 

Interested applicant must possess at least 5 years working experience in a related field for consideration. 

Experience in field research and knowledge of mining operations and methods of reclaiming mined-out lands would be an asset.

Please reply no later than February 7th, 2025 to:

The Human Resource Manager
Jamaica Bauxite Institute
Hope Gardens Complex
P.O. Box 355,
Kingston 6.

Email us at:

The post Research & Development Specialist – Band 9 appeared first on Jamaica Bauxite Institute.

Projects Coordinator (Bauxite Community Development Programme) – Level 9 Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:57:04 +0000 Salary: $5,198,035 – $6,990,779 SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the supervision of the Director – Bauxite Lands/Projects Administrator BCDP, the Project Coordinator BCDP will be required to do the…

The post Projects Coordinator (Bauxite Community Development Programme) – Level 9 appeared first on Jamaica Bauxite Institute.

Salary: $5,198,035 – $6,990,779


Under the supervision of the Director – Bauxite Lands/Projects Administrator BCDP, the Project Coordinator BCDP will be required to do the following: 

▪ Coordinate the activities of the BCDP programme and ensure that the programme achieves its proposed objectives. 

▪ Prepare quarterly, monthly and annual project activity and financial reports to the JBI and the Ministry of Finance as well as submissions for project funding to the BCDP Advisory Board. 

▪ Assist with the preparation of work plans and expenditure budgets for the BCDP programme whenever necessary and coordinate scheduling of activities. 

▪ Facilitate the preparation of projects arising from the Community Councils and ensure that project proposals and accompanying documentation are in keeping with BCDP established criteria. Assess project proposals submitted to the BCDP Management Team with a view to determining their eligibility for implementation and funding in terms of their objectives, proposed benefits and feasibility and making recommendations to the Advisory Board regarding same. 

▪ Conduct weekly project team reviews to assess the progress of projects being implemented and to review new projects and plan the preparation of submissions for funding. 

▪ Establish a schedule for project monitoring and assist with the monitoring of projects in the field and ensure the achievement of project objectives, activity and expenditure targets. 

▪ Attend selected community council meetings and any other meetings/functions on behalf of the BCDP. 

▪ Identify and liaise with implementing agencies to implement approved projects and co-ordinate quarterly review meetings with the implementation as well as any other meetings required with agencies, bauxite companies or individuals and the BCDP Advisory Board as required. 

▪ Liaise with the Agricultural Research and Development Specialist and advise on all agricultural projects in terms of their suitability and marketing prospects. 

▪ Liaise with communities, community council, Members of Parliament, Councilors and bauxite companies for smooth running of the programme 

▪ Assist in preparing suitable projects for community councils 

▪ Co-ordinate with the Research and Development Specialist on agricultural related/BCDP projects being undertaken by the Research and Development arm of the JBI



Master’s Degree in Economics, Business, Law or comparable discipline 

( Specialized training in the field of Projects Analysis, Evaluation and Management would be an asset) 

Interested applicant must possess at least 5 years’ working experience in a related senior position in the Public or Private Sector for consideration. 

Please reply no later than February 7th, 2025 to:

The Human Resource Manager
Jamaica Bauxite Institute
Hope Gardens Complex
P.O. Box 355,
Kingston 6.

Email us at:

The post Projects Coordinator (Bauxite Community Development Programme) – Level 9 appeared first on Jamaica Bauxite Institute.

Director of Economics – Band 10 Wed, 05 Feb 2025 17:29:49 +0000 Salary: $6,333,301.00 – $8,517,586.00 SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the supervision of the General Manager, the Director – Economics will be required to do the following:  ▪ Writing and…

The post Director of Economics – Band 10 appeared first on Jamaica Bauxite Institute.

Salary: $6,333,301.00 – $8,517,586.00


Under the supervision of the General Manager, the Director – Economics will be required to do the following: 

▪ Writing and presenting papers at in-house seminars, and at local and international symposia on research work at the Institute 

▪ Be accountable for the coordination and monitoring of the production and export of bauxite and alumina by companies operating in Jamaica and the preparation of monthly, quarterly and Annual Reports of the production performance of the local industry. 

▪ Be accountable for the preparation of annual reviews of the operation and contribution of the local Bauxite and alumina industry, including analyses of foreign exchange earnings, production and export trends. 

▪ Co-ordinate the administration of all matters pertaining to the bauxite production levy and other taxations arrangements with the companies and liaisons with the Tax Administration Department and the Bank of Jamaica for the purpose of ensuring that true and accurate records are kept of payments by the industry. 

▪ Co-ordinate with General Manager, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Income Tax Department Revenue Board regarding rigorous monitoring and ensuring payment of income taxes due from companies. 

▪ Be accountable for the monitoring of cash inflows by the bauxite/alumina companies and coordinate the preparations of reports of inflows and expenditure by the industry. 

▪ Maintain a system to monitor changes in the price of ingot in major markets, co-ordinate the preparation of quarterly and annual reports of the movements of the price of ingot and recommendations in the average Realized Price for ingot. 

▪ Coordinate and prepare studies and analyses of demand and supply balances for aluminum and alumina worldwide, capacity expansion, new investments and the implications of these developments for the operations of the Jamaican industry. 

▪ Be accountable for the coordination and preparation of analyses of supply networks of the major companies operating in Jamaica indicating the way they meet their refinery and smelter requirements for bauxite and alumina, their third-party sales options, swap and tolling options, and forecast changes in such supply options as required. 

▪ Coordinate and prepare annual and quarterly indicators of the performance of the major western economies, including GNP trends, rates of inflation, change in interest and exchange rates, the performance of the major consuming industries for ingot, and any other factor which may affect demand conditions for alumina. 

▪ Be accountable for the maintenance of complete and accurate records of the performance of bauxite/aluminum companies and countries. Prepare annual and half yearly repots of observed developments. 

▪ Prepare monthly and annual reports of the Divisions activities and attend to all matters pertaining to the general administration of the Divisions. 

▪ Prepare and maintain an up-to-date directory of relevant local and international funding agencies, foundations, research institutions and commercial enterprises that identifies the scope of their activities relevant to JBI, financing and operation procedures, contact person(s). 

▪ Formulate proposals on selected on-going projects to meet the requirements of local and international funding agencies, foundations, research institutions and commercial enterprises and identifying funding agencies for these projects. 

▪ Using available information including the directory mentioned, develop strategies for marketing the services of the Institute. The marketing strategies should inter-alia identify target organizations; specify appropriate promotional activities and tools, for example, interviews, tours or JBI facilities, circulation of brochures, video presentation. 

▪ Prepare terms of reference for feasibility studies where necessary. 

▪ Conducting research activities


Master’s Degree in Economics, Business, Law or comparable discipline
(Specialized training in the field of Projects Analysis, Evaluation and Management would be an asset)


Interested applicant must possess at least 5 years’ working experience in a related senior
position in the Public or Private Sector for consideration.

Please reply no later than February 7th, 2025 to:

The Human Resource Manager
Jamaica Bauxite Institute
Hope Gardens Complex
P.O. Box 355,
Kingston 6.

Email us at:

The post Director of Economics – Band 10 appeared first on Jamaica Bauxite Institute.
